1,500 call on Stormont to end Down’s syndrome abortions

1,500 call on Stormont to end Down’s syndrome abortions
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
30 March, 2021 1 min read

More than 1,500 people have signed an open letter calling on Northern Ireland’s politicians to protect those with Down’s syndrome from being aborted.

Signatories are either those who have Down’s syndrome or are related to someone who does.

They believe the law on abortion in the Province is discriminatory and must be changed.

They are asking Stormont to vote in favour of Paul Givan’s Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill at its second reading.

The bill would change the law to ban abortion on the grounds of conditions such as Down’s syndrome – currently permitted up to birth.

Lynn Murray, spokeswoman for the Don’t Screen Us Out campaign, said, ‘Already, over 1,500 people with Down’s syndrome and their families have called on NI party leaders to support this bill.

‘It’s clear that there is strong support from the Down’s syndrome community for a change in the law.

‘We call on politicians from across the political spectrum to support this bill and show the way forward for other countries.’

Sara McNeill, whose son has the condition, said, ‘Tom is the best thing about our lives and has brought so much happiness to our whole family connection.

‘So I would urge any parent faced with the decision of what to do, not to be blinded by poor, outdated preconceptions of what Down’s syndrome is.

‘I thought our outlook seemed bleak when our doctor first shared her suspicions about our brand new baby, but now I know better.’

ET staff writer
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