Church news

200 attend home education conference in Leicester

200 attend home education conference in Leicester
Pastor Pooyan Mehrshahi
Jessica Turpin
Jessica Turpin Writes about home education at, and on Facebook ('Leading Them Out: Why Christian Education Matters.')
25 June, 2024 1 min read

Countesthorpe Baptist Church in Leicester has become a local hub for home educators over the past few years thanks to a fortnightly home education group overseen by the church.

A couple of years ago we had the idea of hosting a conference that we might be able to bless other home-educating families from further afield.

The second Firm Foundations conference for Christian home educators was held on 6 April this year at Brockington College. Tickets sold out in three days, and we were thrilled to host around 200 adults and 300 children on the day itself.

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