Church news

500 attend Argyll Bible Convention in Oban

500 attend Argyll Bible Convention in Oban
Andy Bannister
Revd George Cringles
19 September, 2023 2 min read

In the ten years since the first Argyll Convention was held in Oban, much in our world has changed. But the marine and rural landscape of Argyll is still as beautiful and restful as ever – a wonderful base for a holiday or for onward travel to the islands and the opening up of the rest of Scotland to people from across the world.

Moreover, God’s faithfulness is unchanged. We believe that he richly blessed all those who came along this year to the Argyll Bible Convention, as well as all those who contributed in any way.

This year we were delighted to welcome visitors ‘just passing through’ the town, who happened to see a flyer in their hotel, or the banners in the street, or caught up with posts on Facebook.

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