
A century of gospel outreach in Cumbria

A century of gospel outreach in Cumbria
Cumbria Gospel Outreach
John Heron
03 August, 2022 3 min read

The pioneering work of Cumbria Gospel Outreach was launched in 1912. It was then known as the Cumberland and Westmorland Gospel Tent.

Those with the vision to begin this work were John W. Laing and David J. Beatie (from Hebron Evangelical Church, Carlisle) and George Winter (from Penrith).

Their priority was to reach the people in the villages and hamlets of Cumbria where there was no Christian witness.

Many believing fellowships joined together in support of this venture of faith.

A tent and a van were purchased for the activities of the evangelists as they travelled and worked throughout Cumberland and Westmorland.

Many people were saved during those days and several churches were planted.

Evangelists John Knight and Phil Widdowson combined evangelistic work with a training school at Silloth to educate young people in the work of evangelism. Among those who attended were Brian and Peter Maiden.

From these earlier times of blessing, it became increasingly difficult towards the end of the 20th century to persuade people to attend a tent meeting. Therefore, the committee of Cumbria Gospel Outreach resolved to be more proactive, going out to where people were.

A van was purchased and adapted to display different booklets and Bibles at shows, markets and other public events.

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