
A new and rising liberalism

A new and rising liberalism
Aaron Prelock
Aaron Prelock Aaron Prelock is pastor of St Giles Mission, London.
16 July, 2024 4 min read

First published at Reproduced with permission.

There’s a new liberalism making its way through our churches and transforming our denominations.

No, this liberalism doesn’t deny the virgin birth or the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection. This liberalism is steeped in biblical exegesis and historic Reformed categories.

Today’s liberalism attempts to use the common creeds and confessions we know and love, and it emphasises the importance of using Scripture to defend our ideas.

This liberalism has a foothold in virtually every major Reformed seminary and denominational group.

Like the liberalism that Machen fought, this liberalism isn’t simply an aberration away from biblical Christianity; it’s an entirely different religion.

Using the same language, borrowing from the same history, often preached side by side with orthodoxy, this liberalism poses no less serious a threat to orthodox Christianity than did the liberalism of the early 20th century.

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