
A very sad day in France’s history as it becomes the first country to make abortion a constitutional right

A very sad day in France’s history as it becomes the first country to make abortion a constitutional right
Photo Florian Wehde | Unsplash
E Hisham A pastor of a French reformed Baptist church.
06 March, 2024 5 min read
“Do I bring to the moment of birth
    and not give delivery?” says the Lord.
“Do I close up the womb
    when I bring to delivery?”
says your God.

(Isaiah 66:9) 

The 4th March 2024 was a dark day for France, a day that brings it one step closer to God's judgement. France has become the first country to explicitly include voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the marble of its Constitution. Meeting formally at the Château de Versailles, the 925 parliamentarians (MPs and Senators) officially adopted the constitutional reform proposed by President Emmanuel Macron's government – by 780 votes to 72.

It is hailed as ‘la liberté garantie à la femme d’avoir recours à l’IVG’ (freedom guaranteed to women to have recourse to abortion); but this is none other than freedom for women to kill their unborn child. This is a new advance in the ‘culture of death’ or the ‘culture of waste’. France, which year after year continues to beat its own record for the annual number of abortions (233,000 in 2022), will be one of the first countries to enshrine abortion in the Constitution as a fundamental right, an achievement that should surely shame us all.

Is the political class so devoid of ethical conscience as to arrive at such a deplorable result? When a parliamentary or social majority decrees the legitimacy of the suppression of unborn human life, is it not taking a ‘tyrannical’ decision towards the weakest and most defenceless human being? The universal conscience is rightly reacting to the crimes against humanity that our century has sadly witnessed.

Would these crimes cease to be crimes if, instead of being committed by unscrupulous tyrants, they were legitimised by popular assent?  For what is presented as a victory for women's rights is, in reality, a new attack on human life at its very beginning, in other words: an abominable crime, the deliberate murder of an innocent human person.

‘This vote is historic: we will be the first country in the world to enshrine in the Constitution the freedom of women to control their own bodies’. These were the words used by the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, on the evening of Wednesday 28 February to welcome the Senate's adoption of the bill enshrining abortion in the Constitution.

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