
Achille Blaize (1941–2022)

Achille Blaize (1941–2022)
Jack Hampshire
03 November, 2022 1 min read

Achille Blaize was born in Dominica, arriving in England in 1962 before settling in East London.

Initially a Roman Catholic, Achille knew nothing of the Bible until an open-air gospel message impressed him deeply and led to his new birth as a Christian.

Achille became a member of East London Tabernacle. He then served as a deacon and district evangelist. Subsequently, the church called him to be assistant pastor to Paul Tucker.

At a Banner of Truth conference, Achille met Albert Martin, which led to a lifelong friendship. It also led to Achille being called to the eldership of Trinity Baptist Church in Montville, New Jersey, in 1973, where Pastor Martin ministered.

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