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Afghanistan: Christians helped to flee the Taliban and resettle elsewhere

Afghanistan: Christians helped to flee the Taliban and resettle elsewhere
Source: Shutterstock
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
20 December, 2022 1 min read

Christians who have fled Afghanistan to escape the Taliban are being helped to resettle in other countries and rebuild their lives, a report has claimed.

UK-based Release International, which supports persecuted Christians worldwide, told of how many Christian families have been rescued after escaping the Islamist country.

Release told the story of ‘Tareq’ and his family, who fled Afghanistan after they heard the Taliban were knocking on doors searching for Christians in hiding.

Because there had been reports that some Christians were put to death in these raids and others imprisoned, Tareq and ‘Aisha’ believed they had no option but to flee in the middle of the night to save their lives and the life of their one-year-old daughter.

They were helped to cross the border by Release International partners and are now being cared for by partners in Brazil.

Another partner of Release International is in contact with Christians who have chosen to remain in Afghanistan.

‘Baset’, a teacher, told the SAT-7 TV network, ‘Our lives have changed. As Christians we are exposed to security threats and must remain in hiding. We are always praying. Our only hope is in the true and living God.’

According to Paul Robinson, chief executive of Release, ‘Their lives are at risk from militants, their families, and in some cases the authorities.’

A 2022 report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom stated, ‘The Taliban have reportedly gone door-to-door looking for US allies, former government workers, rights activists, and Christian converts. Christians have received threatening phone calls.’

ET staff writer
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