After Downing Street?

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 March, 2007 1 min read

As newspapers and broadcasting journalists consider the political future of the Prime Minister, some also question whether Tony Blair, an erstwhile member of the Church of England, is planning a change of religious affiliation as well as of career.

Recently Roman Catholic Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor was asked about Mr Blair converting to Catholicism once he leaves office. The interviewer, in The Times newspaper, commented:
‘The cardinal bristled slightly and replied in slow, clipped terms: “I haven’t talked, ever, to Tony Blair about his
conversion. I have chatted to him about religion but I would not talk to him about this unless he wanted to. A person’s religion is a very private matter. Of course he is a public figure, but I would leave it to him and his conscience”.

The interviewer pressed, Does he consider Blair, who attended mass with his family on his latest holiday in Miami, a Catholic in all but name? ‘He goes to mass every Sunday, he has an understanding of the Catholic faith and he is a religious man, so I very much respect him’.

ET staff writer
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