
Are evangelicals getting indifferent to heresy?

Are evangelicals getting indifferent to heresy?
Robert Letham
Robert Letham Robert is a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, USA.
12 June, 2024 3 min read

After seventeen years back in the UK, I recently returned to the USA, where I have spent the majority of my adult life and ministry. This was in order that my wife and I might be closer to relatives. In three articles, I will highlight areas of significant concern from my observations of English and Welsh evangelicalism during this time.

I do not wish to detract from the many positive features all around us. However, space is limited. This first article addresses an evident widespread ignorance of, or indifference towards, heresy. By heresy I mean that which, if true, would falsify the Christian faith.

Heresy is not to be confused with error. We may err on various points. Should the infant offspring of believers be baptised or not? What degrees of continuity are there between the Old and New Testaments? Someone may be wrong on such matters but their mistake will not endanger the gospel.

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