
Artificial Intelligence ‘accelerating’ work of Wycliffe Bible Translators

Artificial Intelligence ‘accelerating’ work of Wycliffe Bible Translators
John Tredgett
John Tredgett Elder at Grace Evangelical Church, Carlisle and Production Editor for Evangelical Times.
13 October, 2023 1 min read

‘We are seeing something extraordinary in world mission,’ said James Poole, Executive Director of Wycliffe Bible Translators, ‘as we see a rapid acceleration of Bible translation. Today, more than ever before, more people can access the Bible in the language that speaks to them best.’

James was speaking in light of Wycliffe’s ‘State of the Bible 2023’ report, released in September. It noted that over the previous 12 months, more Bible translation work has commenced via Wycliffe and its partners than ever before. Work began to bring parts or all of Scripture to new readers in a total of 370 languages.

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