World news

Australia: Bill in New South Wales legalises assisted dying

Australia: Bill in New South Wales legalises assisted dying
Damien Tudehope, NSW Minister for Employee Relations
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
15 June, 2022 1 min read

A bill to legalise assisted suicide has been passed by the Australian State of New South Wales (NSW).

The Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2022 was passed by 23 votes to 15 after a lengthy debate.

It is likely to become law before the end of 2023. Other Australian states have already passed similar legislation.

Under the legislation, adults residing in NSW who are deemed to have less than six months to live, or 12 months for neurodegenerative conditions, will be able to get medical help to kill themselves.

‘Expanding class of eligible persons and an ever-increasing number of medically induced deaths’

But as reported in Australian newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH), many ministers have spoken openly against the move.

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