Authentic Christianity 101

Authentic Christianity 101
Authentic Christianity 101
Matthew Seymour
Matthew Seymour Matthew Seymour is an elder and pastor at Emmanuel Church Leamington Spa.
01 April, 2008 1 min read

Although there are many short leaflets available to give to people to encourage interest in the gospel, there are few substantial booklets that can be given to a serious enquirer. Robert Dickie’s booklet is written to fill this gap. This short book is essentially an extended exposition of John 3:16, contending that this verse contains the ‘basic and elementary facts of what one must know and believe in order to be a Christian’.

The booklet is written from a reformed perspective, but with a healthy evangelistic thrust. The content is split into chapters dealing with the fact of God’s existence, the character of God, the gift of God, and God’s promise of eternal life. The final chapter contains the author’s own personal testimony, a sample prayer and some suggestions for beginning as a Christian.

The overall style of the book is lucid with a careful sprinkling of illustrations throughout and it is suitable for most adult readers. This book would be helpful for church visitors as well as friends and family who are showing a serious interest in Christianity.

Matthew Seymour
Matthew Seymour is an elder and pastor at Emmanuel Church Leamington Spa.
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