
Background to the Bible

Background to the Bible
Ray Evans Ray is married to Jenny and serves as lead minister at Grace Community Church in Bedford. They have been part of Grace for over 35 years.
14 June, 2023 1 min read

Author: Chris Sinkinson, Clive Anderson, Brian Edwards
Publisher: DayOne
222 pages
Purchase from: DayOne (£25)

This is a companion piece to the authors’ popular Evidence for the Bible. It is beautifully produced, with wonderful, even lavish, illustrative photography all the way through. I couldn’t put it down!

The main text covers a wide range of interesting detail, from Egyptian burial procedures, through to the development and decline of chariots, and the coins and currency of various times. Generally the articles move chronologically with insights into ancient Egyptian culture, then the period of the kings of Israel, and on into the times of the Lord Jesus and the early church.

New: the ET podcast!