Banner of Truth ministers’ conference 2011

Dennis Hill
Dennis Hill Dennis is the minister of Kingston Evangelical Church, Hull.
01 June, 2011 1 min read

Banner of  Truth ministers’ conference 2011

Our time at the University  of Leicester was, as always, one of faithful, challenging and encouraging Bible ministry. We heard of gospel work from around the world and the UK, including a moving report from Bill Berkeley, a missionary translator working in Brazil for 53 years.

We also heard of persecuted Christians in Pakistan, Bible training with the Yorkshire School of Christian Ministry, and more. A panel of speakers tackled questions from attendees. Numbers attending were lower this year, but there were many good occasions for informal fellowship.

Stephen Curry, from Bangor, NI, opened the conference with a challenging message from Matthew 6 on hypocrisy.

Iain Murray, from Edinburgh, brought two messages from the profound words of John 17 and a paper on little known Archibald Brown, founder of the East London Tabernacle. Brown was a great preacher and soul winner, a graduate of Spurgeon’s pastors’ college and one of his successors at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. The general theme of Brown’s preaching was the love of God.

Iain stood in for Ted Donnelly, from Newtownabbey, NI, who was unable to minister due to illness. Martin Holdt, from South   Africa, brought three challenging and lively messages on the Holy Spirit in our lives and ministries.

Lewis Allen, now church planting in Huddersfield, brought two helpful papers on the church’s first priorities — love and longing for the Lord’s return. Phil Arthur’s paper on William Tyndale, the father of the English Bible, was much appreciated.

There were also two short addresses. Geoff Thomas spoke with feeling on the mystery of two apparently conflicting things: God’s secret decree to save some, while, at the same time his desire for all to be saved. Ian Hamilton gave us persuasive reasons why we should buy The life of Charles Hodge, by his son, A.A. Hodge. I already had!

Next year’s conference is planned for 16-19 April, with Alistair Begg and Maurice Roberts among expected speakers.

Dennis Hill

Dennis Hill
Dennis is the minister of Kingston Evangelical Church, Hull.
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