Be Successful; Be Spiritual! How to Serve God in the Workplace

Be Successful; Be Spiritual! How to Serve God in the Workplace
Be Successful Be Spiritual
Austin Trainer
01 May, 2009 1 min read

This book is a rare combination of two things – practical, proven advice about the world of work from a hugely successful businessman, and a radical application of biblical principles to these work situations. There is a current trend in so-called Christian literature to bring secular management techniques into the church. This book is the exact opposite, seeking to transform the world of work through the light of God’s Word.

Dr Temple begins by presenting a Christian view of economics that is foundational to the rest of the book. Subjects such as market economics, the laws of supply and demand, the concepts of property, investment, and profit, are all considered from a biblical perspective.

These are issues on which not every Christian agrees, and Temple is careful not to make it party-political. He succeeds in developing from Scripture a solid ethic that should govern all of our working lives. He then has a couple of chapters concerned with managing people and leadership. He compares secular management philosophy with a more realistic approach that acknowledges that man is fallen and sinful. He sets high standards of leadership, based on the examples of the Lord Jesus and of the apostle Paul. This is challenging stuff for any Christian with any management or leadership responsibility.

The remainder of the book comprises chapters on a variety of relevant topics, ranging from what retirement should mean for the Christian to working for public companies quoted on the stock market. Always challenging biblical standards are presented alongside useful real-world advice. There is also excellent practical, and biblical, guidance on debt, savings and investments.

In summary, biblical principles are brought helpfully to bear on everyday work-related issues and situations. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who wants to live for Christ in their workplace.

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