Bible and science

Lee Rowcroft and David Fielding
01 January, 2012 1 min read

Bible and science

Roughly 250 people attended ‘The Bible, science and society — today!’ conference that took place at the Derby Assembly Rooms on Saturday 29 October 2011.
   In this 400th anniversary year of the King James Bible, the event was organised by Castlefields Church, Derby, to be a help to Christians of all ages and an opportunity to reach out with the gospel.
   Dr Andy McIntosh, professor of thermodynamics and combustion theory at the University of Leeds, led the first two sessions under the headings of ‘Design, intelligence and the Word of God’ and ‘Fossils, bones and the Bible’.
   These were followed by an interview with Dan Walker, from the weekly Saturday BBC Football focus programme, who shared his testimony and the relevance of the Bible to him personally and to society today.
   Paul Mallard, director of training and development with the Midlands Gospel Partnership, led the final session, ‘The Bible — for life’. He used Psalm 19 to explain how God speaks to us through creation, but in a special way through the Scriptures.
   The special weekend continued on the Sunday, when Pastor Gurnam Singh, from Melbourne Hall Evangelical Church in Leicester, preached and gave his testimony of how he became a Christian, leaving the Sikh religion as a young man.
   The conference was the second such event that Castlefields Church has arranged and church members were greatly encouraged by the increasing interest shown in serious Christian matters by people in Derby.
   The event was featured on local radio, with a well presented review of the event by BBC Radio Derby that went on air on the Sunday morning.
Lee Rowcroft and David Fielding

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