Bitesize Biography – Zachary Macaulay

Bitesize Biography – Zachary Macaulay
Stanley Jebb Stanley Jebb has pastored Baptist churches in Bristol, Porthcawl, Cradley and Dunstable. He has retired from full time ministry and continues to preach, lecture and write.
01 December, 2013 1 min read
Bitesize Biography – Zachary Macaulay

Faith Cook
EP Books
160, £6.99
ISBN: 978-0-85234-784-3
Star Rating: 4

What a gem this little book is! A combination of thorough research and imaginative description combine to produce a gripping account of one of the key players in the abolition of the gigantic evil of slavery, within the British Empire.

The book is informative, not only about Macaulay himself, but also about certain other well known characters of the period 1768-1838. Moreover, flashes of light are thrown upon the founding of Sierra Leone, the French Revolution and the working of Parliament.

Macaulay’s life is nothing if not inspiring. What a challenge to a breed of weak-kneed, undisciplined Christian manhood that is sometimes observed today! This man’s faithfulness, diligence in study, organising ability, dogged persistence, self-discipline, trust in God, courage and fortitude through a lifetime of limited eyesight and much suffering is a challenge to us all.

His godly, quiet persistence in the face of great opposition and frequent vilification will challenge any person who too easily gives up an important ministry in the face of opposition.

The account is also cautionary. The historical events in which Macaulay’s life was cast remind us of the dreadful consequences of both slavery and godless revolution. Almost in passing, as we view the subject’s life, we catch a glimpse of the horrible dark shadows of evil, reminding us that while godliness produces beautiful fruit, sin has dire consequences.

Macaulay was sometimes let down by people whom he trusted. How important it is to check out the qualities of people upon whom we place great responsibilities. This eminently readable book is faithful to its subject and to the Saviour in whom he trusted. It is warmly recommended.

Stanley Jebb

Stanley Jebb has pastored Baptist churches in Bristol, Porthcawl, Cradley and Dunstable. He has retired from full time ministry and continues to preach, lecture and write.
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