Born of God – sermons from John, chapter one

Ron Johnstone Ron is Pastor at Grace Free Presbyterian Church, Newtownards, Co Down, Northern Ireland.
01 April, 2012 1 min read

Born of God — sermons from John, chapter one
Dr Martyn Lloyd- Jones
Banner of Truth
488 pages, £17.50
ISBN: 13-978-84871-1259

As the subtitle indicates, this book is a record of 32 sermons preached by the late Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones in Westminster Chapel, between October 1962 and June 1963. They form part of a series of sermons he gave before his retirement.
   The foreword reminds us that the preacher’s intention was to highlight and apply his teaching to the state and condition of the Christian in the world.
   The sermons focus on two texts. In John 1:17 the emphasis is on law and grace, and in John 1:12-13 on assurance of salvation.
   Both these subjects are dealt with well. They not only grip the mind, but search the heart. They come to the reader with freshness and relevance in today’s culture. They are a fine example of doctrinal preaching, but, more than that, they are pastoral in their application.
   Here is Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones at his finest. In an age when Christians and society at large have almost forgotten the law of God, this series is a necessary read to remind us afresh that God’s law is part of his great plan of salvation. Indeed, it is that law which ultimately defines the nature of sin.
   There cannot be a more timely set of sermons to be published. As Dr J. Packer used to encourage his students, ‘Sell your shirt to buy this one!’
R. J. Johnston

Ron is Pastor at Grace Free Presbyterian Church, Newtownards, Co Down, Northern Ireland.
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