
Called to be Holy: The Discipline of the Church

Called to be Holy: The Discipline of the Church
Conrad Pomeroy Conrad Pomeroy became the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Dundee in May 2001. He is now the pastor of Dudley Baptist Church in the West Midlands.
16 April, 2024 1 min read

Authors: Jeremy Walker
Publisher: Banner of Truth
47 pages
Purchase from: Banner of Truth (£2.50)

This booklet is about church discipline; it is not a call to personal sanctification as might be suggested by the title. The sub-title provides the clarification. There are no chapters, but the material is divided under headings of varying length such as the nature of discipline, its motives, purpose, and practice. 

A wide variety of biblical passages are referred to, and often helpfully quoted in the text. Reference is also made to a number of authors to substantiate the points made. 

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