
Can there ever really be peace on this earth?

Can there ever really be peace on this earth?
Photo by Jeff Kingma | Unsplash
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker Jeremy is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley.
10 December, 2022 2 min read

It has hardly been a year of peace. Further afield and closer to home, there is turmoil politically, socially, and domestically. War in Eastern Europe, an economic crisis and rising prices at home, a threatened ‘twindemic’, and three different Prime Ministers in Downing Street. Where do we begin? Do our hearts not ache for it to end?

How close has it come to you? What dangers and distresses have troubled you over the past year? What griefs and fears have unsettled your life and your heart?

Perhaps, even now, there are troubles looming in your life. Perhaps, even now, there are terrors which hover over you. Perhaps, even now, there are trials which you do not know how to avoid or escape. Do we not long for true peace?

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