China: Police given quotas for arrests of Christians

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
18 January, 2019 1 min read

The religious liberty magazine Bitter Winter is reporting that police stations in the major port city of Dalian (a population of 6.6 million) in northeast China are being evaluated based on the number of Christians they arrest.

A police officer from Dalian, the second-largest city in Liaoning Province, near the North Korean border, told the magazine that his station had received a notice from the National Security Bureau which, as part of a performance-assessment plan, set out how many Christians they would have to arrest.

The officer said that all stations in the city had received a similar plan, assessing the station’s performance with a 100-point evaluation system.

Senior police officers risk losing their job if quotas are not met, the officer told the magazine, adding that he did not want to arrest Christians but feared the consequences if he didn’t.

To meet their quotas, the officer said that stations are trading with each other, ‘buying’ names of arrested Christians from other stations that have already achieved their targets.

ET staff writer
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