Christ in Exodus – Using New Testament keys to unlock the truth of Exodus

David Cooke
David Cooke David is the pastor at Banbury Evangelical Free Church
01 July, 2011 1 min read

Christ in Exodus — Using New Testament keys to unlock the truth of Exodus

Stan K. Evers
Grace Publications; 160 pages, £5.99; ISBN: 0-946462-82-8

This little book proceeds on the basis of the old saying, ‘The New is in the Old concealed; the Old is by the New revealed’.
   After a short opening chapter explaining that Christ is in all the Scriptures, the author helpfully opens up some of the main themes in Exodus, and shows clearly how Christ is prefigured in the types and symbols of the Old Testament system instituted at the time of Moses.
   Each chapter begins with a useful summary of the themes to be taken up before the author proceeds. He outlines the substance of the passage and then uses a New Testament ‘key’ to bring out the fulness of what the passage is teaching concerning Christ.
   On the whole, this works well. Sometimes the ‘jump’ to the New Testament seems a little abrupt, but it is never unjustified. As a devotional read, this is a heart-warming and enjoyable book, easy to read and feeding the soul, as we are brought to ponder many aspects of our Saviour’s work.
   If you are looking for a commentary on Exodus, this book is probably not for you (though the author quotes several commentaries, sometimes at length). Some of the chapters of the book are only loosely based on the chapter in Exodus alluded to. For example, the chapter dealing with Exodus 17 and 18 manages to do so without mentioning the battle with Amalek in chapter 17 or the advice of Jethro in chapter 18.
   Other chapters are not dealt with at all. There are also a small number of factual errors on incidental points. But these are minor niggles. The book sets out to enrich our souls by meditating on Christ in Exodus, and it succeeds in doing so!
David Cooke

David Cooke
David is the pastor at Banbury Evangelical Free Church
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