
Christian teacher sues school for unfair dismissal after she was sacked for questioning the ‘gender transition’ of a pupil aged 8

Christian teacher sues school for unfair dismissal after she was sacked for questioning the ‘gender transition’ of a pupil aged 8
Andrea Williams | Christian Legal Centre
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
08 June, 2023 2 min read

A Christian teacher is taking legal action against the primary school that sacked her for raising safeguarding concerns about the ‘gender transition’ of an eight-year-old child.

The teacher, who has not been named, was concerned that the school was acting upon advice from activist groups Stonewall and Mermaids, rather than relying on medical evidence.

But she was sacked and reported to various regulatory bodies after she made use of the school’s whistleblowing procedures to raise concerns.

The child, who cannot be identified for legal reasons and is known only as ‘Child X’, believed she was born in a wrong body and wanted to be treated as a boy.

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