
Christmas book ideas for all ages

Christmas book ideas for all ages
Photo Ben White | Unsplash
Paul Smith
Paul Smith Paul Smith is full-time elder of Grace Baptist Church, Broadstairs, Kent. He is also a director and the book reviews editor for ET.
09 December, 2024 7 min read

Looking for a Christmas present that will bless your family and friends? Here are ten of the best books ET came across in 2024.

1. Daily Doctrine (Kevin De Young)

Kevin DeYoung has written a rare book: a readable one-year guide to systematic theology. By reading a page and a half, five days a week, you get a full survey of theology that interacts with current issues. In areas of controversy DeYoung endeavours to present alternative views fairly. A great book to read and discuss with a friend or a whole church. Read extracts featured in ET here and here.

Is every sin the same in God’s eyes?
Many Christians hold to the mistaken notion that every sin is the same in God’s eyes.
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