Classroom politics

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2012 1 min read

Classroom politics

Teachers who refuse to endorse gay marriage to their pupils could face the sack, according to warnings in the Daily Telegraph.
   According to the article, other jobs such as NHS chaplains and foster carers would also be at risk if a Christian or other religious person refused to toe the current populist line on backing gay marriage.
   The Telegraph’s report warned that parents would have little hope of withdrawing children from gay marriage lessons across the curriculum.
   This comes amid real concern that ministers of religion could be taken to court if they refuse to conduct gay weddings, despite soothing noises from Parliament that this would not be the case.
   Quoted in the Telegraph, human rights and civil liberties lawyer, Aidan O’Neill QC, warned that redefining marriage would have a far-reaching effect on freedom of conscience and civil liberty.
   A statement from campaign group Coalition for Marriage (C4M), said, ‘The existing civil liberty problems will get much worse if marriage is redefined, which is why these unpopular and divisive plans must be dropped altogether’.
   C4M has urged its supporters to email their local MPs and Labour MP Chuka Umunna to plead for the proposals to redefine marriage to be dropped entirely.

ET staff writer
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