Comment – Clang

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 2 min read


The British Humanist Association (BHA) has been ‘found out’ in the latest round of its gratuitous fight against Christianity.

In the wake of a recent BHA poster campaign extolling the ‘freedom’ of living without religion, it was reported by Premier Christian Radio that the two children portrayed in the BHA poster actually belonged to an evangelical Christian family.

Premier Christian Radio reported that the photo of the children, captioned ‘Don’t label me’, was sourced by the BHA from an online gallery of stock images. The image shows the two children leaping around, looking happy and ‘free’ from religious indoctrination. (Ruth Gledhill’s full account, along with a picture of the poster, has been accessible on Times Online –

Apparently, the children’s parents had given their approval for a general use of the photo, but neither they nor the photographer were aware that the image was going to be used to promote atheism. When one of the parents saw the advert, he expressed great amusement at the irony.

Gerald Coates, leader of the Pioneer Network of Churches, who knows the parents, told Premier: ‘What Richard Dawkins doesn’t know is that these are the children of two very committed evangelical Christians. Here they are promoting atheism and the two children have been brought up in a Christian family’.

Back-tracking fast

A BHA spokesperson – amidst the squeals of rapidly back-tracking tyres! – said to Premier: ‘The message of the posters is that the labelling of children by their parents’ religion is not respectful of the rights of the child. We are not suggesting that children would be happier brought up in a humanist environment’.

It’s really tough, isn’t it, trying to argue against the truth? Remember too, that little give-away word ‘probably’ that had to be inserted in the ‘There is no God’ bus posters? How that one word backfired against the humanists – and continues to do so!

And that atheistic summer camp for youngsters that Prof. Richard Dawkins helped to launch this year – a very late-in-the-day anaemic imitation of the joyful multitude of young people’s Christian camps that have been flourishing for generations?

Humanists (and atheists), realise that you are fighting against God. It is insane; you cannot win. Recognise that you also are sinners in need of a wonderful Saviour – Jesus Christ. ‘Kiss [pay homage to] the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way’ (Psalm 2:12)!

ET staff writer
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