
‘Complex’ Archie Battersbee case raises crucial questions

‘Complex’ Archie Battersbee case raises crucial questions
Archie Battersbee | Source: Christian Legal Centre
Mike Judge
Mike Judge Mike Judge. Editor of Evangelical Times, and pastor of Chorlton Evangelical Church in Manchester.
31 August, 2022 2 min read

The complex case of Archie Battersbee has given rise to a debate about how our society handles such tragic cases, where doctors and families battle in court over life support treatment.

Archie, aged 12, suffered traumatic brain injuries after an incident at home in April. Doctors eventually wanted to end his life support treatment, but his parents objected and the case ended up in the courts.

Archie’s parents were supported by the Christian Legal Center. Its CEO Andrea Williams writes in this edition of ET to explain why they fought so hard for Archie’s right to life.

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