Two-by-Two (the Nameless Cult)

Two-by-Two  (the Nameless Cult)
Eryl Davies
Eryl Davies Eryl Davies is an elder at Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff and is a consulting editor of the Evangelical Magazine.
01 July, 1998 5 min read

If you want to understand the ‘Two-by-Two’ or nameless group, you need to be aware of the following four things. First, several divisions have taken place during their one hundred years history, which we reviewed in the previous article. One splinter-group can be identified as the ‘Cooneyites’ who followed Edward Cooney when he left the main group in 1928.

Among the other groups who left are The ‘Message’ people. When William Irvine, the original founder of the movement, was excommunicated in 1913, hundreds of people left to follow him. They are called the ‘Message’ people because of their conviction that Irvine had a special message from the Book of Revelation for them.

The second point is that the main group, often called the ‘Testimony’, claim that they have the only true ministry, because it approximates closely to the ministries of Jesus and his apostles. Thirdly, all groups distort the gospel and lack a personal testimony to God’s saving grace. Fourthly, many who leave the group speak of legalism, rejection, and emotional as well as psychological abuse. These are serious charges, but they are well documented. To explain these points, I will ask several questions to clarify their beliefs and practices.

What is the relation between the groups?

The relation between the splinter-groups and the main Two-by-Two group is one of suspicion, disagreement and separation. The Cooneyites, for example, have little to do with the main group, but they are small in number. The 5,000-strong ‘Message’ group is also extremely critical of the main group. The ‘Message’ people regard themselves as ‘free’, and now only meet together socially and not for meetings or Bible studies.

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