Consultation on allowing DIY abortions in England

Consultation on allowing DIY abortions in England
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ET staff writer
ET staff writer
15 December, 2020 1 min read

The government has launched a public consultation on whether to allow women and girls in England to take abortion pills at home.

A medical abortion requires two pills to be taken. Until recently, the first pill for a medical abortion had to be taken in a hospital or clinic, and only the second pill could be taken at home.

But because of the Covid-19 crisis, the government temporarily relaxed the rules, allowing both pills to be taken at home. Now the government is considering making the change permanent.

Critics say the system of allowing at-home medical abortions is open to abuse. Pro-life group Right to Life is opposing the government’s plans.

The group says the policy puts women at increased medical risk, and it allows exploitation by coercive partners. The consultation runs until 26 February.

ET staff writer
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