Church news

Countering the hidden epidemic – Swanwick convention tackles cults active in the UK

Countering the hidden epidemic – Swanwick convention tackles cults active in the UK
Swanwick Convention
Tony Brown
Tony Brown Speaker for Reachout Trust and member of Sunbridge Road Mission, Bradford.
09 February, 2024 2 min read

A report in The Independent last year said that there are over 2,000 cults operating freely here in the UK. The article went on to say, ‘Thousands of British adults and children are being deceived into joining UK cult groups, new research has found, with experts calling the phenomenon a “hidden epidemic” that the government has failed to address.’

I would add that it is a phenomenon that the Christian church has also failed to adequately address. Though cults can take other forms, the majority are religious in nature, many of which claim to be Christian.

New: the ET podcast!