Church news

Cumbrian creation conference explores the wonders of hearing and migration with Professor Andy Mcintosh

Cumbrian creation conference explores the wonders of hearing and migration with Professor Andy Mcintosh
Rafael Cobos
02 May, 2023 2 min read

Professor Andy McIntosh is an expert in biblical creation and a highly-sought international conference speaker. It was a pleasure to hear him give two talks on ‘The wonder of hearing’ and ‘The wonder of migration’ at a short conference in west Cumbria.

Over 50 attended the event in March. It was organised by Creation Matters North West and hosted by Emmanuel Church in Workington. CMNW seeks to promote belief in creationism among Cumbria’s churches by organising events such as these.

Andy’s first talk sought to explore the marvels of divine design that we all take for granted when we use our ears. Did you know that the length of the human ear canal and the cochlea are finely tuned to the frequency range of human speech?

New: the ET podcast!