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Daily Bible reading?

Daily Bible reading?
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker Jeremy is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley.
03 September, 2024 3 min read

Somebody told me that if I am a Christian then I have to read my Bible every day. Is that true?

I don’t know if they expressed it awkwardly or if you have remembered it differently. It seems a touch clumsy! I hope they were encouraging you to read the Word of God, and I hope that you don’t need much encouraging!

If you are a Christian, then you are a stranger on the earth, and you do not want God to hide his commandments from you (Psalm 119:19). Where has God spoken, revealing his will for the salvation of sinners and then growth in grace and in the knowledge of Christ? In the Bible alone (2 Timothy 3:14-17). This is where you find your food as a sheep of God’s flock, where Christ guides you by his Spirit to nourish your soul.

You should not imagine that by reading the Bible every day you necessarily become a Christian, or that everyone who reads the Bible every day is necessarily a Christian. In one sense, it is not even a Christian duty, as thousands of believers throughout history would have done anything for the privilege we have of owning and being able to read a Bible in our own language.

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