Daniel Webber

Martin Leech
Martin Leech
01 September, 2011 1 min read

Daniel Webber

After 21 years of service, Daniel Webber formally retired from his role as mission director of the European Missionary Fellowship (EMF) at the end of July.
   This has been a significant and fruitful ministry, and it seemed appropriate that something should be done to acknowledge thankfulness to God. So a special meeting was organised by EMF and held, by kind permission, at Welwyn Evangelical Church on Saturday 9 July.
   There were contributions from a number of speakers, including EMF’s new director, Martin Leech; Ken Huxtable, who for many years was chairman of EMF’s executive committee; and representatives of the missionaries. These were José Rodrigues (Portugal); Peter Newton (Suffolk), representing students of the School of Biblical Studies; and David Cassells (Chelmsford), on behalf of the executive committee.
   They paid tribute to the impact of Mr Webber’s ministry, and also directed the glory to God. A large number of missionaries and staff past and present, family, friends and supporters joined us, generating a real sense of the fellowship in mission that is so much a part of EMF’s ethos.
   There was a palpable sense of thankfulness and affection among those wishing the Webbers well in this new stage of life. What proved to be a most memorable occasion was suitably concluded by Rev. Ken Huxtable, who preached from 2 Corinthians 5:6-10.
   This, then, is a year of change for the EMF. On 1August Martin Leech took up his position as director and, with the arrival of Jörg Müller in September, EMF will welcome a new assistant director and principal of the School of Biblical Studies.
   Although changing times can be unsettling, they are also occasions for taking stock of what will not change. The Mission’s priorities of supporting gospel ministry, evangelism and church planting with a view to establishing self-supporting, self-governing and self-propagating churches in Europe are unchanged.
   The commitments to providing quality teaching in the School of Biblical Studies and appropriate support to literature work remain firmly in place.
   Above all, the Lord does not change and we ask you to join in praying for us as we turn a page and start this next chapter in EMF’s story. For recordings of the messages, email hq@emf-welwyn.org
Martin Leech

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