David: Man of Prayer, Man of War

David: Man of Prayer, Man of War
Noel Ramsey Noel Ramsey was born in Belfast in 1960 and lived there for several years until his family moved to Newtownabbey. After school he worked for ten years as a Coachbuilder. After a football accident he w
01 April, 2008 1 min read

This is an excellent book dealing with the life of David – a life that was rich and varied and took him from shepherd boy to king. God was with him through it all, guiding him in all the circumstances of life.

David’s life was complex – he overcame the giant Goliath yet he found himself on the run from Saul. He was involved with many battles but his greatest battle was with his sin. The chapter on his repentance after his affair with Bathsheba is very moving – it leaves one aware of the temptation to sexual sin.

This book originally started life as articles printed in The Banner of Truth magazine. Each chapter takes about 15 minutes to read, is devotional in nature, and reads well. The book’s main asset is its application – your heart will be warmed and stirred, and you will be both challenged and encouraged. Although the book is about the life of David there is no doubt that its main focus is on the Lord, who gently and graciously dealt with his servant David.

This book, written by a retired pastor, is suitable for all Christians and I recommend it highly.

Noel Ramsey was born in Belfast in 1960 and lived there for several years until his family moved to Newtownabbey. After school he worked for ten years as a Coachbuilder. After a football accident he w
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