Departures: Poems and meditations on the Book of Exodus

Departures: Poems and meditations on the Book of Exodus
Graham Kissack Graham is married to Ann and has two grown up children. Graham has been pastor at Peel Street Baptist Church since 2010 after moving to Accrington from Cape Town, South Africa. His wife, Ann, is a
19 April, 2021 1 min read

Departures is a devotional book, but one with a difference.

It consists of 40 chapters, each corresponding to a chapter in the book of Exodus. P. D. Gray recommends that the reader should read carefully and reflect deeply on each chapter of Exodus first, with the help of an appropriate commentary if necessary, before referring to the relevant chapter in his book.

Each devotional in the book consists of three parts. Firstly, a substantial meditation on the chapter of Exodus, with appropriate applications, followed by a number of Bible verses upon which to meditate, and lastly a poem composed by the author.

He is careful to note that this is a devotional aid and not a scholarly commentary. With this in mind he has met his goal. While one may not necessarily agree with every application or viewpoint, this is not a book for hurried reading, and it will be stimulating and rewarding for those who spend time with it.

It is likely to be the kind of book that will best be appreciated by spiritually mature Christians, although it has plenty for all readers. Preachers and Bible teachers will find substantial useful material to include in their messages, particularly given that the author has remained very close to Scripture in his meditations and poems.

The publishers have wisely printed each devotional, the verses for meditation and each poem on separate pages. This will provide helpful space for those who wish to make their own notes for preparation and future use. The depth of the articles, verses, and poems means it is likely that readers will return to re-read and absorb the material again over time. A helpful book which many will find useful.

Graham Kissack


Graham is married to Ann and has two grown up children. Graham has been pastor at Peel Street Baptist Church since 2010 after moving to Accrington from Cape Town, South Africa. His wife, Ann, is a
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