A Shrink Thinks

Devolution not evolution

Devolution not evolution
Source DALL-E
Alan Thomas
Alan Thomas Professor and Consultant in Psychiatry. Elder at Newcastle Reformed Evangelical Church.
20 January, 2025 3 min read

The evolutionary dogma is taken for granted in our society. Man, we are told, is the pinnacle of an ages-long upward progression. Human beings are (currently) the highest beings on the planet, the end of inevitable continuous improvement, beginning with the simplest cells (or rather chemicals) and progressing through multi-celled organisms to mammals and finally primates, of which homo sapiens, the wise one, is the peak.

What does the Bible say about all of this? It teaches the opposite. Genesis tells us that man was created directly by God, in his image, made with unique attributes which made him god-like and quite separate from the unthinking, unreasoning animals – but that, having begun at this privileged position, man has devolved. With Adam’s sin, man went backwards, and our sinning since then has made us more and more like animals and less and less like God. This is the degrading, dehumanising effect of sin.

Consider Psalm 22. The psalmist tells us that he is assaulted by bulls, strong bulls which encircle him and attack him (v. 12). They open their mouths to bite him, to tear his flesh. They are thus like lions (v. 13) in their cruelty to him. Again, he feels like one attacked by savage dogs whose power is ripping him apart (v. 16, 20). What exactly are these dogs and lions and bulls?

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