09 (September 2016)

Different – Living the Holy Life

Different – Living the Holy Life
Michael Bentley Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
31 August, 2016 1 min read

Many books have been written on holy living. This is not surprising, as the Lord constantly calls his blood-bought people to walk in his ways of righteousness, justice and truth.

Here we have another book on the same subject, but this one is different. It is different because it is written for people like me, who find life filled with many temptations to ignore the teaching of God’s Word. It is for such who find advertising and the media luring them astray from what they know to be God’s way of living.

The blurb calls it a ‘punchy’ book. It certainly does not skirt around its subject. Throughout its 12 chapters, readers are challenged to look hard at their own life and deal with the things preventing them from following the Christian way in spirit and truth.

At the beginning of the first chapter, entitled ‘Sindividual’, Simon Ponsonby deals with sin. He says, ‘Sin is anything we think, say, do or don’t do that contravenes what God would have us think, say, do and not do … Sin is a refusal to live life God’s way’ (p.10).

The author of this book is pastor of theology at St Aldates Church in Oxford. He also teaches ordinands at Wycliffe Hall and travels widely as a conference speaker. He is an academic who writes clearly and powerfully on difficult subjects. This book covers, among many other issues, pornography, religion versus Christianity, the kindness of Jesus and repentance.

At each step, the reader is challenged about his or her own lifestyle and urged to return to the way of Christ. In leading us into a more holy life, the author takes us through the Bible, including Bible stories. His desire is that we come into deeper holiness that will make the world sit up and take notice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I thoroughly recommend this book to all, especially those who are fooling themselves into thinking that all is well with their souls.

Michael Bentley


Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
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