Discovering Christ in All the Scriptures

Stephen Bignall Stephen is Field Director of Australian Indigenous Ministries.
01 September, 2007 1 min read

This is a rich thematic survey of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation in which the author searches out and expounds the Christology – whether typology, prophecy, promise, precept, poetry or history. He thus follows our Lord’s example throughout his earthly ministry and this work should encourage all preachers to do the same!The preface by Australian preacher and author Peter Barnes shows a warm appreciation of the essence of the work: ‘My friend Don Fortner rejoices in the fact that Christ is revealed in all of the Scriptures, and he has written a simple but most helpful survey of the whole Bible which highlights this wonderful truth … the Bible is a daunting book but Don Fortner’s guide will surely be used to help many a pilgrim on the way to the Celestial city’.At just over 600 pages, it may seem daunting, but even so each Bible book is only allotted a chapter of 10-12 pages. If one chapter were read each week it would provide over a year’s rich meditation spanning the whole Bible.Its level is accessible to all – whether preacher, Bible class teacher or an individual desiring to have the veil over the Old Testament taken away in Christ. The doctrine of the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ alone is everywhere demonstrated and the sovereignty of God undeniably established and applied with warmth and vigour.Obviously, this survey lacks the detailed verse by verse expositions found in the author’s expository works on individual Bible books. In the NT epistles, for example, he dwells on the rich soteriology of the early chapters but summarises only briefly the practical application in the later chapters. It would be good in a future revision to have these practical portions also opened up Christologically for our benefit.Similarly, a summary outline at the beginning of each chapter would be helpful, particularly in the OT section. But there is ample titling throughout the text and a Scripture index at the end. It comes as a hardback, without dust jacket.Don Fortner has provided an enriching work that will benefit all who seek to discover the unsearchable riches of Christ revealed in all the Scriptures.

Stephen is Field Director of Australian Indigenous Ministries.
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