Domestic Abuse Bill could be ‘hijacked’ to push abortion

Domestic Abuse Bill could be ‘hijacked’ to push abortion
Gavin Robinson MP
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
19 May, 2020 1 min read

An MP has spoken out in Parliament fearing that the Domestic Abuse Bill could be ‘hijacked’ to liberalise the law on abortion.

Gavin Robinson MP is a barrister and Democratic Unionist Party politician from Belfast in Northern Ireland.

Speaking during a debate on the Domestic Abuse Bill he warned that some MPs ‘would seek to hijack this bill to make sweeping changes to the Abortion Act 1967’.

James Mildred of Christian group CARE said, ‘Sadly, some MPs have made no secret of their intention of using the Domestic Abuse Bill to try and change abortion law in England and Wales. If successful, this would no doubt lead to changes in Scotland as well.’

He added, ‘More abortion is the very last thing our nation needs. Since the 1967 Abortion Act first came into effect, more than nine million abortions have taken place.

‘The Domestic Abuse Bill should be used to do what it is intended to do, which is address the very real issue of domestic abuse and violence across England and Wales.

‘In our view, to use the bill to change abortion laws in England and Wales would be an inappropriate and morally wrong path to go down.

‘We believe there is a better way than abortion — a way that truly supports women in unplanned pregnancies, defends those who are vulnerable and have no voice, and is life-giving to preborn babies.’

Pro-abortion MPs are pushing for abortion to be fully ‘decriminalised’, and campaigners want to allow abortion up to birth.

ET staff writer
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