Enabled to believe

01 December, 2006 3 min read

Peter’s story

I was brought up in a Christian home and attended church, but when I went to college I began hanging out with friends on Sundays, following nights out in pubs and clubs. I was living the life that most young people are accustomed to in this country. I had my fair share of problems – and no time for God.

I did a degree at Salford and landed a good job in Manchester. Life was OK but for some reason I had trouble sleeping. Basically, I was afraid of death and an uncertain future. I would often get up at night to try to put the thoughts out of my mind.

I started thinking about God and the things I had learned at church, but found no solid answers to the questions in my mind. I still had a Bible on my bookshelf, which I had neglected for at least ten years. I started to pick it up and look for answers, praying that God would help me. I knew I was a sinner and deserved to go to hell.

I missed my family terribly and decided to move back to my parents’ home. I started to go to their church, where I sat at the back and left as soon as I could after the service.

But as the weeks went by I began to understand who Jesus Christ really was and what he had done on the cross for sinners like me. My social life outside of church faded away – along with many of my friends who couldn’t understand what was happening to me.

I prayed that God would save me from my sins and soon enough I was enabled to accept Jesus as my Saviour. I say ‘enabled’ because I know that it was God’s Holy Spirit who had revealed the truth to me. I knew that Christ had died to save me because I knew that God himself had brought me to repentance.

Now, almost six years later, my life has been transformed. I am still a sinner, but now a sinner saved by God’s sovereign grace. My life has meaning and purpose as I walk with Jesus each day, resting in him and seeking to serve him.

The Lord graciously led me to meet the girl who is now my wife, which still leaves me amazed at his providence and love.

Joan’s story

I was born in France and lived there for most of my life. As a child I thought that Christianity was a set of rules – what to do and what not to do. Things like TV and make-up were frowned upon and I couldn’t grow up as a normal teenager.

So, for many years I was stuck in a ‘law routine’ trying to live a life that was outwardly acceptable to God. As a result I was very confused. I had no peace, just a sense of condemnation!

I did read my Bible, but for the wrong reasons. I was looking for ways to live that would please God, but kept falling far short of his requirements. I was very discouraged.

In summer 2004 I visited England for a holiday and was introduced to the Campus church in Welwyn Garden City. Sunday after Sunday I heard a completely different message to the one I was used to.

For the first time in my life I was hearing the message of the gospel and nothing else. Soon my eyes and heart were opened and I thought, ‘Yes, that makes perfect sense’.

I knew I was a sinner and in terrible need of a Saviour. But I discovered that God sent his only begotten Son into the world to save me and that I had been chosen before the world was even created. I felt so reassured when I understood that my sins were forgiven – not only the present ones but also the past and the future. I realised what God’s grace really meant and how amazing and undeserved it was.

In the midst of all this, I was introduced to my future husband and was provided with a new life and a new hope. I professed my faith by believer’s baptism, and was later married. We are now expecting our first child and I cannot find the words to express my thanks to God, for the many gracious gifts he has given me.

He has set me free from the bondage of the law and given me the sure hope of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ

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