Ethics – Abortion clinic campaign

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
19 April, 2018 1 min read

British mothers have launched the ‘Be Here For Me’ campaign to prevent a ban being imposed on pro-life groups standing outside abortion facilities.

Mothers who were helped by vigil members outside abortion clinics have spoken out against the introduction of censorship zones that would ban help for women outside abortion facilities.

As part of the launch, three women have gone public with their stories, in a video where they tell of the immense pressure they faced to go ahead with a termination. They tell how they were helped by people who were holding vigils outside the abortion clinics, and they call on the public to oppose censorship zones being put in place.

The Be Here For Me campaign is asking members of the public to show their support by visiting where they can email their MP to oppose the introduction of censorship zones around abortion facilities.

ET staff writer
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