ETI – encouraging progress

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2005 2 min read

The new (October to December) issue of Evangelical Times Internationalcompletes ETI’s first year. The slimmed-down airmail edition of Evangelical Timesnow has subscribers in 46 countries world-wide and a rising circulation.

We are grateful to God for this progress but are conscious that many opportunities remain untapped.

Readers can join us in this ministry — either by sending us names and addresses of contacts overseas to whom we can send sample copies, or by sponsoring copies to lands where exchange rates make even the modest cost hard to meet.

If you can help, please contact For your encouragement we append some extracts from messages received.


‘I am pastor at the Presbyterian Church of Revesby in Sydney. We are keen to get on board with the ETIproject and would like to sign up initially for 10 copies. With prayerful best wishes for a successful venture’.


‘We would be very interested in receiving ten copies of ETIfor the coming year. The complimentary copy was excellent and we look forward to future issues’.


‘I am a member of Truth Missionary Baptist Church. We are reformed … and hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith — in other words we believe in the doctrines of grace! I teach at Sunday school and would be glad if you would send me copies of your ET Internationalmagazine. A friend from another church gave me a sneak preview of your recent edition. Our land here is full of error and Charismaticism and only few churches are holding onto the truth’.


‘I write to acknowledge receipt of the 5 copies of the April-June issues of the ETI. I want to thank you very much. The present exchange rate is very prohibitive to subscribe or distribute the excellent ETI. Our church would like to receive complimentary or sponsored copies if possible’.

Nigeria. ‘

I came across your wonderful paper as a participant at the last Banner of Truth trust Conference in Leicester. ETIis rich enough to keep the mind and soul of the believer firm in the Lord, especially in times when newspapers carry frightful and pornographic pictures and stories. I believe that ETIwill do a great work for Christ in this part of the world’.


‘Warmest greetings from Nigeria. Thank you so much for sending us a copy of your latest ET International. This arrived safely as did the previous copies you sent. We appreciate these very much and are interested in how you are helping to send copies overseas’.

Philippines. ‘

I write to acknowledge receipt of the 5 copies of the April-June issues of the ETI. I want to thank you very much. Please send me 30 copies of ETIeach quarter’. The sponsor in this case writes, ‘If you would be good enough to send 30 of each of the first two issues immediately, and regard our first year of sponsorship as backdated to the date of Issue 1, that would be good’.


Thank you for the complimentary copies of … ET International. Our pastor has read through it and was quite impressed. He would like to consider the possibility, if cost will allow, of subscribing for 125 copies to be distributed to the members of our congregation.

ET staff writer
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