European Missionary Fellowship

David Butler David is the UK representative of European Mission Fellowship, based at Guessens, Welwyn
01 April, 2012 1 min read

European Missionary Fellowship

On Saturday 25 February, many supporters of the European Missionary Fellowship (EMF) met in Chorlton Evangelical Church, Manchester, for EMF’s north west conference.
   Pastor Walter Johnston from the Chorlton church began by focusing our minds on the work of mission. He said mission begins with the Lord’s people worshipping in the sanctuary and then workers being sent out, such as Isaiah in the Old Testament, and Paul and Barnabas in the New.  
   Mr Johnston said true churches are sending churches. There must be support in mission between like-minded churches, with sacrificial giving of time, money and resources, all of which are to be done with the help of the Spirit of God.
   Rogério Ramos, pastor of a church in Sines, Portugal, since 1998 brought the first missionary report. Mr Ramos outlined the great spiritual darkness in Portugal and the challenges this presents.
   There is a great need in the Sines church for younger people to join the fellowship. Recently five people have started coming to the church as a result of attending funeral services there, at which Mr Ramos preached the gospel.  
   The second missionary report was brought by Pál Borzási, who pastors a church in Luna de Sus in Transylvania, Romania.  One of the needs in this fellowship is for new elders. Mr Borzási organises summer youth camps, which have seen a spiritual harvest over the past few years.
   He is also pastoring another fellowship in nearby Meira, where the congregation is made up mainly of gypsies, who seem to be more receptive to the gospel.
   One of this year’s students at EMF’s School of Biblical Studies, Joseph Attah from Nigeria, introduced himself and said how much he was appreciating the depth of the school’s lectures.
   The school will be holding its annual open day on Saturday 21 April, in Welwyn Evangelical Church, at 11.30am and 2.30pm. This year’s students will be taking part. The preacher will be Hugh Collier.  
David Butler

David is the UK representative of European Mission Fellowship, based at Guessens, Welwyn
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