A Walk with Mr O

Everyone in the world

Everyone in the world
Source: Shutterstock
Stuart Olyott
Stuart Olyott Retired, but active, Stuart Olyott preaches widely in the UK and abroad.
26 March, 2023 3 min read

Mr O, do you think that I ought to become a missionary?

I strongly believe that every Christian should ask themselves that question. But what has caused you to ask it?

I’ve been doing some thinking. If someone in the UK or the USA starts to seek the Lord, it is comparatively easy for them to find the way of salvation. They can buy a Bible, go to church, download Christian materials, and perhaps come across a Christian teacher or work colleague, an open-air meeting or a beach mission. Meanwhile millions of others elsewhere are doomed to live and die with almost no chance of hearing the gospel. I think that maybe I should devote the rest of my life to telling them about Christ.

What you are saying is very challenging. But there is a problem in that sort of reasoning. Can you see what it is?

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