Evolutionary myths

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 November, 2011 3 min read

The secular lobby has been pushing its ideas increasingly into our national curriculum. It is now relentlessly campaigning against faith schools.

And the humanists are seeking to get rid of God — everywhere. A campaign to stamp out creationism, launched by such bodies as the British Humanist Association (BHA), has gathered over 12,500 signatures in an online petition to parliament.

Coinciding with the church’s King James Version 400th year celebrations, the pro-evolution band-wagon is thinking big.

On its website ‘Teach evolution, not creationism’, scientists, academics and public figures such as Sir David Attenborough, Dr Helena Cronin and Professor Richard Dawkins have colluded to present the case for propagating the evolution story.

Their badly worded joint statement begins: ‘Creationism and “intelligent design” are not scientific theories, but are portrayed as scientific theories by some religious fundamentalists who attempt to have their views promoted in publicly funded schools…

They continue, ‘We petition the Government to make clear that creationism and “intelligent design” are not scientific theories and to prevent them from being taught as such in publicly-funded schools, including in “faith” schools, religious Academies and religiousFreeSchools.

‘At the same time, we want the Government to make the teaching of evolution in (sic) mandatory in all publicly-funded schools, at both primary and secondary level’.


But, while it is true that taxpayers should have their say about how taxes are spent, there is also the not-so-small matter of parental rights.

And, what about the rights of the children whose precious educational time is wasted on the ‘busted’ theory of macro-evolution?

We are living in an astounding era. It is characterised by the biggest waste of taxpayers’ money ever known to civilised history.

Billions of pounds are being forked out to pay teachers and professors in our schools, universities and colleges to continue misleading the nation’s youth into swallowing whole the tendentious dogmas of evolution.

And, at the same time the Holy Scriptures, on whose basis true science, creative art and noble culture have flourished for many centuries, are rubbished by those who benefit most from their heritage.

Paradoxically, many evolutionary academics, who, with their fellow-travellers, seem to make so much of intellectual freedom, cannot bring themselves to allow schools, even faith-based and independent ones, to maintain their freedom of conscience in this matter.

And, how about these words for intolerance: ‘We petition the Government to make clear creationism and “intelligent design” are not scientific theories and to prevent them being taught…’?

But we ask the obvious question. Why should the theory of evolution, lacking the necessary undergirding in scientific rigour, let alone an accessibility to critical experimentation, be placed above criticism and be made mandatory as teaching for all schools?

‘Own goal’

The ‘Teach evolution, not creationism’ website cites a litany of woes where politicians allow creationism to be taught. And it has the gall to mention the Gateshead-based school,EmmanuelCollege.

It was in March 2002 that Emmanuel’s decision to allow space for the teaching of creationism as an alternative explanation for origins spurred the BHA to canvass support from scientists and philosophers, who complained to the Prime Minister and various government departments.

This was the beginning of ongoing, intensified political lobbying against Christian schools, and state schools under the aegis of a church or Christian head-teacher.

But, unfortunately for the New Atheists and others,EmmanuelCollege,Gateshead, has regularly featured among the best disciplined and most academically excellent schools in the country. Talk about an ‘own goal’!

Actually, it is obvious what is behind the petition. It is not science, for evolution as commonly propounded is not a science, but the thinly disguised religious world view of secular humanism, heavily guarded by intolerance.


But we Christians wish to be fair. If our children and grandchildren really do have to be exposed to evolutionary myths with their ‘just so’ stories, then, we ask, let that take place in a school’s RE lessons (or their equivalent).

Let evolution be taught for what it is — as a religion — alongside all the other flawed (and barmy) world views embraced by sinful man.

We have little doubt which will be the winner, when Christianity — properly taught and given equal space — is placed alongside even the best that secular humanism and other world views can muster.

Or if our children really must be taught evolution as though it were a science, then let equal time and emphasis be given to intelligent design, and let each perspective be measured against the facts of the scientific case. We have no doubt as to which will commend itself as the best explanation!

But then the secular humanists and evolutionists seem to be running scared of those particular ideas of fairness. Could it be that, deep down, they are afraid of meeting the Creator, whose existence they so strenuously deny?

ET staff writer
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