
Exclusive interview with pastor pushed out of his school caretaker job over gay pride tweet

Exclusive interview with pastor pushed out of his school caretaker job over gay pride tweet
Joanna and Keith Waters
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
29 March, 2022 3 min read

Pastor Keith Waters was pushed out of his part-time job as a school caretaker because of a tweet he wrote urging parents not to take their children to a gay pride parade. He wrote the tweet because of the nudity and sexually provocative displays that often accompany such events. His case has been heard by an employment tribunal. Here, he talks to ET about his experience.

ET: Would you still write that tweet?

KW: Yes, I would. The reason I wrote it in the first place was that, as a church, we had discussed the ‘in-your-face’ elements of Pride.

Some members thought we should go to the events with our children and evangelise, but I thought that was not a good idea. I said we needed to reach people the right way. The tweet was a follow-up to those discussions, really, and aimed at Christians, in my pastoral capacity.

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