Exeter church constituted

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2000 1 min read

Formed just over a year ago, Exeter Independent Evangelical Church met for the first time as a fully constituted church on Sunday 2 May. The preacher for the day was Mr Andrew Holland from Whiddon Valley Evangelical Church in Barnstaple.

There were 30 present at the morning service and 20 in the evening. Since then, Mr Holland has preached on several Sundays and is currently leading a series of Bible studies on the church, thus supplementing the Church’s own ‘in house’ ministry.

The fellowship thanks God for his goodness during the past year, both in the provision of a suitable meeting place and for the willingness of visiting preachers to minister God’s Word.

The Church’s first anniversary was celebrated on 29 April with a service of thanksgiving, when Pastor Kay of Whiddon Valley gave a masterly exposition of the doctrines of grace from Ephesians.

Over seventy were present including friends who had travelled from Barnstaple, Bideford, Brixham, Dawlish, Ottery St Mary, Plymouth, Smeatharpe andWareham.

The Church appreciates the interest shown by so many, and requests continued prayer for: guidance in planning leaflet distribution and evangelism; believers to come to services when on holiday; the Lord to bring families to us who may be new to the area; believers to be led to us willing to commit themselves fully in membership; those in leadership, that the ministry will be maintained.

‘Finally, brethren pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified’ (2 Thessalonians 3:1).

ET staff writer
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