Faraday – Man of science and man of God

Faraday – Man of science and man of God
Andy McIntosh
Andy McIntosh Andy McIntosh is Emeritus Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion theory at the University of Leeds and director of Truth in Science which promotes creationism and intelligent design.
17 July, 2019 2 min read

A sad trend in Britain is the declining awareness of our Christian heritage. The ambition to change the world is good, and past generations did just that.

We often think of the noble army of pastors, teachers and missionaries who have worked tirelessly to build the kingdom of God in many parts of the world. We have reached the stage where we should think a great deal more about Christian men and women who have made Britain a better place to live.

We owe much to those who have suffered persecution, but who brought us liberty of conscience. We owe much to those who worked to remove slavery and social injustice. We should remember Christians who were committed to educating children of all social backgrounds and others who provided medical support for the sick.

The world of science is indebted to Christians who pioneered the scientific revolution, who founded the Royal Society and laid the foundations of modern physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy. A greater awareness of these positive contributions may help people realise that there is something profoundly wrong about the claim that Christianity and science are at war.

Michael Faraday was one of the first scientists without a social background providing him with wealth and security. He had to work his way up — which he did by hard work and persistence. He had a natural gift in experimentation and this led him to make numerous important discoveries. He also had gifts that allowed him to communicate science to ordinary people. He instigated public lectures at the Royal Institution and the Christmas lectures for children. Students of physics today learn about his pioneering discoveries in electricity and magnetism. He certainly changed the world!

In the first ‘Michael Faraday Creation Lecture’, Professor Andy McIntosh reviews the scientific history linked to Faraday’s name, and shows the character of the man as well as illuminating his work. He goes on to talk about Faraday’s Christian faith, his humble spirit and his desire to walk with God through life.

This is a lecture suitable for general viewers of all ages. We learn that Faraday’s name is being used today in contexts that fail to honour his Christian faith and commitment to biblical truth. Nevertheless, using his own speciality of thermodynamics, Andy McIntosh provides an updated version of Faraday’s contribution to knowledge, showing that the machinery of life points inexorably to our Creator God.

Andy McIntosh
Andy McIntosh is Emeritus Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion theory at the University of Leeds and director of Truth in Science which promotes creationism and intelligent design.
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