From creation to Christ

From creation to Christ
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
22 November, 2018 2 min read

I was brought up in a Christian family where the Bible was taught, and from a very early age was surrounded by other Christians. However, this did not mean that I was a Christian myself, although at times I thought I was. But I had not personally accepted Jesus into my life.

Deep down, I could see the urgent need for having a Saviour, but ignored it, and decided to become a Christian a lot later on in life, so that first I could live my life the way I wanted without having a higher authority that I had to explain my actions to.

When I was 9 or 10, I decided that as soon as I was old enough I would stop going to church, since my main motivation for going was to talk to people after the service.

But even though I had decided this, I did know in my heart that God was real, even though I was choosing to blatantly ignore his presence. I had hoped that choosing to do my own thing and control my own life would let me feel free and unaccountable. However, this did not happen. Instead I was, all the time, filled with a strong guilt and anger. And life didn’t seem to have a purpose.

This led me to question the Bible, because I wanted to convince myself that the guilt I felt was not from God but just a natural reaction to the things I had been taught from an early age.


I especially questioned the creation story and hoped that when I found out that creation in six days was impossible, I could move on with my life without God. But instead of finding the Bible to be incorrect and unreliable, reading Creation magazine ( led me to the conclusion that the biblical account of creation could actually be proved strongly by science.

God then showed me that my feeling of guilt was because I was a sinner and I faced up to my desperate need of a Saviour. Jesus took away the guilt I was feeling and replaced it with the knowledge that, although I myself would never be good enough to have eternal life, he had already paid the price for my sins —  through his death on the cross  —  so that I could have everlasting life.

I don’t know the exact date that I became a Christian; it was more a gradual realisation over time. But I do know that I was filled with a feeling of peace, that I no longer had to worry about the purpose of life or what it would entail, because it was already all planned out by a perfect God who knows what is best for my life.

Even though I am still a sinner (becoming a Christian does not change us overnight), I have the knowledge that Jesus will never reject one of his children, and that he will help me throughout my life to grow more like him.

      Georgia Bayes

ET staff writer
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